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Welcome to our blog. We'll explore various topics related to technology. From Content Management Systems to Solar Panels, we'll dive deep into the latest trends, observations, and best practices. So, sit back, relax, and let's get started!

Tech Talk is featured in Island Arts Magazine.

Tech Talk

Time to go Solar
Tech Talk

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2022-08-22 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

We are having solar panels install at our home/office. The system we are installing will generate approximately 60% of our yearly consumption. It is the equivalent of taking 1 car off the road every year or planting 3920 trees or 320 barrels of oil saved. But the big thing is the monetary savings, over the life of the panels - $44,000, almost double the cost.

What made it so attractive to do...

Tech Talk

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2022-06-09 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

In computer science it is a common axiom that the hardest thing to do is name things. I think that holds true in other aspects of life. Naming a child or even a painting or book can be agonizing.

When naming files, it is important to convey as much information as possible if you want to find it again. The modern computer often has hundreds of thousands of files from system files, applications...

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2022-04-18 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

Are you thinking you need a website? Where do you start? What are your options?

All are good questions. If you want to get yourself known and possibly sell your services or product or even just share your thoughts or ideas, having a website is a necessity today.

Can’t I just use Facebook or other social media?

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc all can help you promote...

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2021-11-25 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

Are you lazy? Or are you truly lazy?

I once had a boss who called me the Laziest Son of a … who ever worked for him. It was a job where you only worked about 10 minutes every 2 hours. I was doing research in an iron ore pelletizing plant in Northern Ontario in 1971.

One day my boss walked past my desk, where I had my feet up reading a Zane Grey western, and said “You are the laziest SOB...

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2021-08-16 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

How many of you use a computer to support your art work? Whether it is to just store and search reference photos or digitally change an image for whatever reason, computers are being used to change how we produce art.

BUT can computers be used to create art that is indistinguishable from human created pieces. With AI (artificial intelligence) generated art, the answer may surprise you. In 2017...

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2021-06-18 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

Do you own a website? Do you own your domain name? There are numerous scams out there that target website and domain name owners.

Website Scams

SEO: Emails that suggest that your site can rank 1st or even 1st page are usually scams. They will find an obscure phrase that is unique to your website to prove it ranks high. The thing is that nobody actually searches on those terms. Even the terms...

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2021-04-06 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

Are you with an organization with an upcoming event? Are you an individual planning an event on you own? There are many elements to successful event planning and in the time of a pandemic, it becomes crucial to hit the mark.

Start early

Successful event planning requires time and lots of it, 6-9 months or more. Some events even need a couple of years - think Olympics. But for most smaller...

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2021-02-15 Last Updated on: 2024-06-04

Galleries closed. Studio tours cancelled. How can I sell my artwork?

One thing this pandemic has shown us is that there are many other ways to sell your work. Facebook and Instagram has been successful for some. Some have moved to online stores but this poses a challenge.

Inventory control can be extremely time consuming making the whole exercise seem counter productive. Original artwork means...